Requesting a review

This content is for the September 2023 test (September 2024 Year 7 admission).

Information about the September 2024 test (September 2025 Year 7 admission) will be published here by 15 May 2024.

In the meantime, see our secondary admissions scheme for information about the 2024 test.

If your child is not assessed as suitable for grammar school in the Medway Test and you do not think the results reflect your child’s ability, you can request a review of their school work. This is not a re-marking or appeal of their test.

You should speak to your child's school to find out if they feel a review is right for your child.

Review request dates

Review requests must be submitted by 10am Monday 9 October 2023.

Reviews will take place on Thursday 12 October 2023.

To request an academic review, complete the Review Request (R1) form and submit it to the Medway Test Team by 10am Monday 9 October 2023. 

Once you have requested a review

Once you have requested a review we'll ask your child’s school to provide work in:

  • writing (including technical skills and creativity)
  • mathematics (including problem solving and reasoning)
  • science (including investigation)
  • humanities/topic/curricular work (illustrating writing and applying learning)
  • reading (including comprehension, observational notes, reading journals, cross curricular reading and response to text).

A panel will review the work to decide if it shows your child is suitable for a grammar school, even if the Medway Test score did not.

Each year the review process can find up to 2% of the year group to be suitable for a grammar school.

If your child is educated at home

You need to submit R2.1 EHE form from School Services with details of your child's attainment grades, where available. 

You will need to submit a selection of your child's work showing independent learning in:

  • writing (including technical skills and creativity)
  • mathematics (including problem solving and reasoning)
  • science (including investigation)
  • topic (humanities) (illustrating writing and applying learning)
  • reading (including comprehension exercises, reading journals and response to text).

Work can be accepted in paper form such as loose sheets, workbooks, and exercise books. Any work produced electronically must be printed with the date it was produced. 

The work submitted must be produced by your child and can include autonomous and self-directed learning approaches. 

Only work your child has produced from 1 April to the closing date of the work request will be accepted.

Review decision

Review decisions will be sent by Friday 20 October 2023.

The review decision date is before the closing date for school applications on Tuesday 31 October 2023.  

If your child is assessed as suitable for a grammar school place through the review process, they can be considered for places at Medway grammar schools if you name them on your application form.

If you're not happy with the review decision

If your child is not assessed as suitable for a grammar school after the review process, you can still name grammar schools on your application form. On national offer day, you will be given the right to appeal for a place at any school you name on your application. This appeal is known as an assessment appeal.

After you submit your application, you’ll need to wait until school places are offered on the 1 March 2024 before you can submit your admission appeal requests.