Air quality consultation
Medway currently has 4 Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) which are above the annual objective for nitrogen dioxide (a pollutant present in vehicle exhaust emissions).
The air quality management areas are:
- central Medway
- Pier Road, Gillingham
- High Street, Rainham
- Medway Four Elms Hill.
Reducing road transport emissions within the Air Quality Management Areas and the wider area is a key air quality priority to help towards achieving our air quality objectives.
View the national air quality objectives on the GOV.UK website.
Tackling the central Medway, Pier Road (Gillingham) and Rainham High Street Air Quality Management Areas falls under the current Air Quality Action Plan. This was approved by Cabinet in December 2015.
Have your say
We're updating our 2015 Air Quality Action Plan and would like to hear your views on local air quality
This plan covers the Pier Road (Gillingham), Rainham High Street, and central Medway Air Quality Management
The plan gives up to date information on:
- the proposed actions designed to improve air quality
- the current air quality situation in Medway, including measured pollutant concentrations and the sources of
emissions - policies for air quality management.
View the Air Quality Action Plan.
You can also watch our short video explaining the action plan.
If you live, work, visit or study in Medway, have your say on the plan by completing our online survey.
Start the Air Quality Action Plan survey
The survey closes at 10am on Monday 28 October 2024.