Medway Council declared a climate emergency in April 2019 and passed a motion committing to:
- reduce its carbon footprint
- provide the local community with a clean, green future
- be a place people want to work and live, which has a sustainable future
- establish a clear action plan for Medway to deal with climate change, setting out an achievable and clear timeline.
Our declaration fits into our Council Plan priority of making Medway a place to be proud of. The main outcome being a 'clean and green environment'.
You can have your say on our development and policy proposals to help us create a new Medway Local Plan.Local Plan summer consultation
We're committed to achieving net zero carbon in Medway by 2050. We have developed an action plan to ensure we play our part in addressing the climate emergency.
We are currently refreshing our Climate Change Action Plan and are looking to launch the new version in 2025. We have also created a simplified action plan to increase accessibility.
If you have any comments, email us at
This scheme aims to fund energy saving upgrades for residents with off-grid gas heating systems who could be impacted by high cost energy bills.Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) 2
Improving your property for sustainable living
In June 2023 we ran 3 special events in partnership with the University of Greenwich Faculty of Engineering and Science. The events focused on improving your
Subject matter experts Dr Wim J.C. Melis and Mohammad Sakikhales gave detailed presentations covering a range of topics including building fabric, building
You can now watch the full event recorded in Chatham.
What we are doing
Find out what your council are doing to tackle the climate change emergency.
Understanding climate change
Learn about the causes of climate change, and the terms you need to know when talking about the climate crisis.
Your journey to net zero
Find out about support available to different members of our community, and what you could be doing to respond to climate change.
Sustainable transport and electric vehicles
Find out about sustainable transport in Medway, and what you can be doing to reduce your carbon footprint.
Energy and water advice
Top tips to reduce your energy use, and what support is available to help you keep warm and switch to renewable energy.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Learn about the 'waste hierarchy', and what you can be doing to reduce your waste.
Air quality
Find out about how we are monitoring air quality in Medway, and the sources of air pollution.
Natural environment and greenspaces
Learn about how Medway’s natural environment and greenspaces can help tackle climate change and what we're doing to protect and enhance them.
What's going on
Find out about events happening in Medway, and other ways you can get involved.