The improvements at Cherry Trees open space are part of a larger scheme to regenerate Rainham's greenspaces.
Funding has come from developer contributions in the local area for:
- park improvements
- play area improvements
- amenity improvements.
Planned improvements
The next steps of the improvements are underway and include:
- a new stepped gated entrance from Mierscourt Road connecting to the play area and the Lonsdale Road entrances. The surface of the new path will be permeable
- revealing the current play area entrance path and installing a new self-closing gate
- extending the current vehicle entrance at Mierscourt Road and resurfacing it with tarmac
- replacing the steps from the orchard and adding short paths either end
- resurfacing the entrances to the 3 kissing gates from Church Path and Cherry Trees Road to improve access into the orchard area.
These works started on 11 November 2024 in the orchard area and will last for around 7 weeks (weather permitting).
Some entrances may be closed for a short period of time. Signage and a plan of the works has been placed around the site.
View a plan of the entrance works at Cherry Trees.
Previous improvements
Improvements carried out so far include:
- play area refurbishment, making it suitable for children up to age 11 years
- cutting back areas of scrub to improve sightlines
- additional seating and bins
- works in the orchard area with additional cherry trees planted.
Past consultation
In October 2021 we asked residents and people who use Cherry Trees open space on how to improve the area and the priorities for the improvements, including:
- access
- seating and bins
- woodland area
- play area improvements
- other suggestions.
More information
If you would like any more details about the works, please email
Cherry Trees open space in Rainham.