- Subjects
- Toll roads, tunnels and bridges, history and operation
- Technical issues, safety implications, economic and political matters and some scary videos Enclaves
- Kent in Essex, Worcestershire in Shropshire and many others
- An exploration of geographical, political, administrative and cultural pockets across the world
- The history of state surveillance using technology - from the 1930s to today's all pervasive snooping
- A history of Lord Cardigan: Cad, womaniser, horseman, hero
- Understanding the world - examining cultural differences. A methodology for putting the world in context
- Shock & upset or the Emperor's New Clothes (warning this talk can ruffle a few feathers!) we examine the "special relationship" with the US, Britain and Europe, foreign adventures and the state of the British economy
- An examination of industrial relations in the 21st century, a series of interviews with unions and managements across the UK as part of a university dissertation Underground Britain.
- An exploration of interesting things beneath the ground from factories to military to transport.
- Address
29 Dombey Close
ME3 7AE - Fee