Provided by:
Imago Community

The Imago Medway Care Navigator Service offers residents of Medway free impartial advice, support and guidance to enable patients to access appropriate support services in the community. This will help them to remain independent in their own home and reduce hospital re-admissions.

The Medway Care Navigator role is part of a wider programme to improve support to high-risk patients by assisting them to better navigate through health, social care and voluntary sector support services.

Care navigators act as advocates for the patient and their carers, signposting them to health and community services, assisting them to find the right service to meet their needs and aspirations.

Once the options have been discussed with clients and their families, appropriate introductions are made to other services or organisations who can provide ongoing support.

These might include:

  • Advocacy
  • befriending
  • benefit advice
  • adaptations and aids
  • day care
  • dog walking and animal sitting
  • domestic support
  • domiciliary and care providers
  • carers' support
  • falls prevention classes
  • financial and legal issues
  • gardening
  • handyman services
  • health services
  • home safety
  • housing
  • sensory services
  • shopping support
  • social activities
  • specialist support services
  • transport
  • telecare & telehealth white goods

Referrals to this service are via the GP Practices and Medway Community Health Managers.

If you feel you would benefit from this service you would need to speak to your GP Practice, who would then refer onto the Care Navigator Service through secure email.

01892 530 330

60 Balmoral Road

Free of charge