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InterpreterNow is an online interpreting service for people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.

The user communicates with a hearing person live, through an interpreter, using computers or mobile devices which have a camera and are connected to the internet.

The service operates using sign language, text or lip-reading.

Users can use the method which suits them best to communicate with doctors, consultants and major companies and organisations.

It offers deaf people a service equivalent to the telephone service which hearing people use.

We are working with the government to make the cost of a VRS call the same as any telephone call.

Until then you can make FREE calls to some organisations.

See the InterpreterNow website to see who.

Access To Work may pay for you to use InterpreterNow. Speak to your Access To Work contact person.

You can call for free to other registered deaf users.

01494 687 600