About our IAG Service
Our IAG Service supports young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) to get info further education. This could be at:
- college
- school
- work.
Support available
The support is available:
- face-to-face
- by phone
- online.
It includes:
- career advice
- job search and application help
- curriculum vitae (CV) and interview skills
- finding and applying for an apprenticeship
- applying for college or sixth form
- finding a training course.
We can help plan career goals and find the right opportunity for you. We’ll keep in touch to make sure you’re happy on your new course, job or apprenticeship.

If you would like support, you can contact us by:
- emailing iag@medway.gov.uk
- phoning 01634 335 599.
You can also join our job search group.

Tell us where you are now
Every year we collect information on the education and work choices of 16 and 17 year olds living in Medway.
We need to keep a record of what you're doing and report it to the government. This helps us find out if you need support.
You can tell us what you're doing now by:
- completing our survey
- emailing iag@medway.gov.uk
- phoning 01634 335 599.