What your data is used for by service

Your data will be used for different things based on what service you have used.

Planning applications

For planning applications, the information that you provide including personal data will be used for the purpose of determining planning applications.

Who sees your data

We are required to make details of applicants and proposals for planning permission available for public inspection, and available on our website.

Information that will be publicly available include:

  • the name of the owner of a property or land
  • the address of that property or land
  • the name and address of the applicant as well as the details of the agent if applicable on the public register.

If you supply personal information belonging to a third party make sure: 

  • you have their permission
  • sensitive data such as, physical or mental health details are in a separate annex.

This is to ensure personal sensitive data is not published to our website.

Planning application comments

Any comments that we get in writing by post, email or via the planning register about the application will also be made available on the public register but will not include personal email address, signature or contact number. 

All comments will be summarised in a publicly available report and may be reported to our planning committee.

If you're making comments on a planning application, to reduce the chances of identity theft remember:

  • to include the minimum necessary personal information from communication, usually your name and address
  • we will take into account unsigned comments on planning applications, but we still need a name and address.

Details such as signatures, personal phone numbers and personal email addresses are removed before being published on the website.

Planning document consultations such as Local Plans

For planning document consultations, the response you provide will be used and published in a Statement of Consultation and its appendices and analysed for plan or policy making.

Who sees your data

Any comments that we get during the consultation will be made available in the Statement of Consultation and its appendices but will not include personal email address, signature or contact number. 

All comments may be reported to our relevant committees and the Planning Inspectorate in both full and summary form. This will be published on our website and available in hard copy for members of the public to see.