When and why we share your information

We do not sell your information to other organisations or move your information out of the UK.

We do not use your information for automated decision making.

Sometimes, to process your enquiry or consider your comments or representations we need to share the information that you give us.

This could be with other service departments within the council such as Housing, Legal, Environmental Health and Highways. Or with external partner organisations such as Parish Councils, South Downs, Historic England and the Environment Agency, and the Planning Inspectorate (Secretary of State).

Editing out details

Before making forms and documents available online, we edit or blank out personal details such as:

  • your contact details including phone numbers and email addresses
  • signatures
  • Special Category Data (supporting statements) that include information about health conditions or ethnic origin
  • confidential information.

Sometimes we might decide it is necessary, justified and lawful to include this data but we will let you know before we publish anything.

If you are submitting supporting information which you would like to be treated confidentially or withheld from the public register, please let us know as soon as you can, ideally before submitting the application by emailing planning.representations@medway.gov.uk.