Petitions and outcomes

2024 to 2025

Petition tracker No.

Subject of petition

Date received 

Summary of Medway Council's response

Outcome of review

(if requested) 


The council to install double yellow lines 10ft either side of the entrance to Thorndike House, Chatham to enable vehicles to safely exit and to prohibit vehicles parking on the pavement enabling disability scooters to use the path.

20 May 2024

The location referred to in your petition is on the Transport and Parking Service’s 2024-25 Works Programme. Requests for new parking enforcement restrictions are prioritised within a programme of works each year to ensure that our available resource is put to best use on schemes which have the highest need.

Whilst the council is unable to give an exact timescale for when the statutory 21 day consultation on the new parking restrictions will commence, please be assured that the council will be taking this scheme forward to public consultation as soon as it is able to do so.

No review requested

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