Listed buildings
A building is listed when it's of special architectural or historic interest and considered to be of national importance.
They’re listed in their entirety.
This usually includes:
- internal
- external
- the grounds that they sit within.
Even minor works, such as external painting or replastering internal walls can often need Listed Building Consent.
In some cases, planning permission may also be required for some types of works.
To find out more about listed buildings, what is covered by the listing, and what permissions are required to carry out works, visit:
Historic England also have advice on common works to listed buildings.
Check if a building is listed
You can check if a building is listed on the National Heritage List for England.
Apply for Listed Building Consent
You can apply for Listed Building Consent on our Planning Portal.
On the portal, you can:
- find the form you need to complete.
- check you have given us the right information.
- attach files including drawings and other supporting information.