Drain grates seen in the gutters on the side of the road are called gullies and they take rainwater away from the road into the drainage system.
Despite our efforts to improve drainage, rain can sometimes fall so heavily that it exceeds the capacity of the drainage system and it will take a couple of hours for water to subside after the rain has ceased.
Report a problem
What you’ll need
You’ll need the following information to report a problem:
- your details, including name, address, and phone number
- the location of the problem, including property number, street name and town
- a brief description of the problem.
Report a blocked or damaged road drain
After you’ve made a report
We may contact you if you do not provide enough information in your report.
Our contractor has 3 days in which to attend to the report of a blocked gully. It can sometimes take longer if parked vehicles have prevented the contractor from clearing the gully or if a specialist vehicle needs to be used.
Once we have assessed and/or resolved the issue, we may contact you with the outcome.