Single person discount review
We regularly review Council Tax accounts that include a 25% single person discount to ensure that residents are still entitled to the discount and that our records are correct.
We'll be sending review letters or emails to those who are being reviewed to check that your circumstances have not changed and that you still qualify for this discount.
Review emails will be sent from
What you need to do
If you receive a review letter or email from us, you'll need:
- your Council Tax account number from your review letter or email (this is the payment reference on your bill)
- the access key from your review letter or email (this is case sensitive)
- your full name
- your contact details.
You'll be asked to provide contact details so that we can contact you in case of any queries on your account. A telephone number must be entered to allow you to continue.
You'll then be asked to verify that you remain the only adult (person over 18 years of age) at your address. If there is more than one adult living at your property, you'll be asked to provide details of who they are and when they moved in (or their date of birth if they were already resident and are now 18).
You should only complete an online discount review form if you receive a review or reminder from us.
Complete a single person discount review
If you have not received a review letter or email you can apply for, or cancel, a single person discount.
If you cannot complete the review online
If you're unable to complete the review form online, please contact us by emailing using 'SPD Review' along with your Council Tax account number in the subject heading.
If you do not have access to the internet, you can also contact us by:
- calling: 01634 332 222
- sending a letter to: Council Tax, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR.
If you do not complete the review
We'll assume that your situation has changed and remove your single person discount. This would result in you receiving an adjusted bill for the additional Council Tax.
Other discounts that might apply
If you no longer qualify for the single person discount, the other adult's within the property may be disregarded (not counted) if they fall into one of the below categories:
- students (and student nurses)
- youth training trainee or apprentice
- school leavers
- aged 18 or 19 still in full-time education
- aged 18 or 19 for who Child Benefit is payable
- person in detention/prison
- severely mentally impaired
- carer
- care leaver
- Homes for Ukraine Scheme.
If they fall into one of the above, then we may be able to apply a different discount to your account.
View the full list of disregarded persons or make an application for other discounts and exemptions.
If you've already informed us about a change
Please still complete the review and include all details of the changes.
If someone else stays at your address regularly
You will not be eligible for the discount if someone stays at your address regularly and:
- has no main residence elsewhere
- keeps their belongings at your address
- uses your address for post.
This will be classed as their main residence so please ensure that you include their details when completing your review.
Fraudulent discount claims
Claiming a discount when you know that you are not entitled to might be fraud and you can be prosecuted for this.
You must tell us within 21 days if your circumstances change and you are no longer entitled to a discount.
Fraudulent claims for discounts increase the costs for every Council Tax payer. If you suspect that someone is claiming a discount which they may not be entitled to, contact our Fraud Team.