Council Leader, Mayor of Medway and Councillors at thank you event for education leaders
Cllr Alan Jarrett, Mayor of Medway (Cllr Jan Aldous), Cllr Josie Iles and Cllr Martin Potter at the thank you event
Published: Friday, 15th July 2022

An event was held earlier this week to thank Medway’s education leaders for their hard work throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

A number of headteachers, Academy Trust CEOs and council staff attended the celebration at Medway Council’s headquarters in Chatham on Monday, 11 July.

Schools faced a number of challenges and introduced new ways of teaching over the last two years including putting social distancing measures, bubbles and virtual learning plans in place.

Outstanding resilience through the pandemic

Cllr Josie Iles, Medway Council’s Lead Member for Children’s Services, said: “I’m so pleased that we held this event for education leaders to thank them for their resilience during the global pandemic. It wasn’t easy and everyone, from headteachers to our own Medway Council staff, did brilliantly and provided outstanding education and support for Medway’s children and young people with the circumstances. I’d like to say a huge congratulations to everyone involved in education for succeeding throughout the challenges of the last few years.”

Supporting children and families

Cllr Martin Potter, Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Education and Schools, said: “I would like to thank all education leaders, teachers and all school staff across Medway for their hard work and commitment supporting children and families in their school communities over the last two years. Their determination to provide the best education and school experience through unprecedented times was inspiring. I hope this event, on a lovely summer’s day, helped to show our appreciation for their hard work.” 

We are aspiring to become a child-friendly city, putting children and young people at the heart of everything we do.

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