In May 2022, residents were invited to have their say on a proposal which could see three grammar schools in Medway become co-educational.
Medway has six grammar schools, three for girls, two for boys and one is co-educational. This means that there are more grammar school places for girls than boys. Currently, once Medway children have been offered their school places, the additional girls’ grammar school places are offered to pupils who live outside of Medway. The proposal to create more co-educational schools means that more Medway children could be offered a place at a local grammar school.
The proposed co-educational grammar schools are Chatham Grammar School, Fort Pitt Grammar School and Holcombe Grammar School.
As the three schools are academies, the final decision will be taken by the Regional Schools Commissioner.
Following last year’s consultation, the Department for Education (DfE) has recommended to postpone the decision on whether the schools can become co-educational.
A new, wider, consultation, on the advice of the DfE, is due to be reopened in autumn 2023.
This means that Chatham Grammar School, Fort Pitt Grammar School and Holcombe Grammar School will remain single sex schools for admissions in September 2024.
More information on the second consultation will be available in due course.