- Map
- Time
- 60 minutes
- Description
- Start and finish at 32 Bryant Road, Rochester, ME2 3EP
- Landmarks
- Starting at Medway Archives Centre in Bryant Road walk towards Gordon Road.
- Turn left into Minerva Street and continue straight.
- Follow alley which joins Jersey Road.
- Turn right and proceed to end of Jersey Road.
- At junction of Brompton right turn left and follow alley into Broomhill Park.
Self guided walks
- Follow path on left hand of Broomhill Park around to the top and stop to admire the views.
- Proceed following the path down to join Clarendon Drive.
Path that joins Clarendon Drive
View from path towards Clarendon Drive
- Proceed to end and turn right by Shaws Wood continue down to join Berber Road.
View from end of Clarendon Drive onto Cliff Road and Shaws Wood
- At end of Berber Road turn left into Kitchener Road, follow road to Hone Street crossing Cross Street into Glanville Road.
Turning onto Glanville Road
- Proceed to end of road back to Medway Archives Centre.
Find out about our walking and cycling groups, which we hope to resume soon.
- Starting at Medway Archives Centre in Bryant Road walk towards Gordon Road.