- Map
- Time
- 60 minutes
- Description
- Start and finish at junction of London Road (A2)/Pump Lane, Rainham, ME8 7BU
- Landmarks
- Starting from corner of Pump Lane and London Road (A2) continue towards Rainham, it is a shared pathway - watch for cyclists.
- Cross Bloors Lane at the traffic lights and continue along Birling Avenue which runs parallel with the A2 to Rainham Library.
- Take the path between the library building and the car park and enter Cozenton Park.
- Proceed along the tarmac path to Bloors Lane, Splashes Sports Centre on the left, or, on entering the park, turn left and walk under the trees to the skateboard park then bear right and join the tarmac path.
- On leaving the park, turn right and proceed down Bloors Lane to Pembury Way.
- Cross over Pembury Way and enter Lower Bloors Lane which runs behind the garages of the houses in Beechings Way.
- Cross over the railway using the footbridge, taking care on the steps in wet weather. After approx 50 metres turn right and enter the community woodland through a wooden gate.
- There are three entrances to the wood. You can either take a circular route and exit by the same gate, or follow the path to one of the other exit gates. In both cases turn left upon leaving the wood and proceed along the footpath to Lower Bloors Lane.
- Turn left and retrace your steps to the railway crossing and then to the junction of Bloors Lane and Beechings Way.
- Turn right and proceed along Beechings Way to the mini roundabout. Turn left into Pump Lane and continue back to the start of the walk.
Find out about our walking and cycling groups, which we hope to resume soon.
- Starting from corner of Pump Lane and London Road (A2) continue towards Rainham, it is a shared pathway - watch for cyclists.