Apply for support

To be eligible for support, you must:

  • be a Medway resident
  • be aged 16 or over
  • be in demonstrable hardship
  • have less than £500 in your bank account
  • not have access to any funds that can be relied on to meet the need you are applying for, and where you would be left with insufficient resources which would cause serious risk to your own, or your family’s, health, or safety.


You’ll need the following information to apply for support:

  • your details, including name, address and date of birth
  • your contact details
  • your National Insurance number
  • your household details, including who you live with
  • your latest months bank statements for all accounts held in the household. These must clearly show: 
    • names
    • all transactions (including income, fuel bills, rent and regular payments where possible)
    • that you have less than £500 in your bank account.

The scheme is administered to a fixed budget. The terms of the scheme could change during the year.

Apply for help with household costs


After you've applied

We may contact you if you do not provide enough information in your application.

Our Household Support Fund scheme does not require banking details to administer support. We will never request this information over the telephone.

Once your application has been processed, we’ll contact you with the outcome.


More information

If you have any queries about your payment, please email Do not use this email to track your application. You’ll receive automatic updates on the status of your application.