Getting Housing Benefit on two homes

In certain circumstances you may get Housing Benefit on two homes at the same time. This could happen for the following reasons.

You have moved but still have to pay rent at your old address

When you move from one rented property to another you can get Housing Benefit for four weeks. This happens when you have moved into your new home and cannot avoid rent liability on your previous home. For example, you have to move quickly before your notice period ends.

You have left home because of fear of violence

You can get Housing Benefit on two homes for up to 52 weeks as long as you intend to return to your old address during this time. You don’t have to say when you are going to return, just when it is safe to do so.

You are waiting for adaptations

You can get Housing Benefit for four weeks if you do not move into your new home straight away because you are waiting for it to be adapted.

You are waiting for a Social Fund payment before moving

You can get Housing Benefit on two homes for up to 4 weeks if you are waiting for a Social Fund payment to help you move and:

  • you have a child under 6 years old
  • you are over 60
  • you are getting disability premium

You are leaving hospital or a care home

You can get Housing Benefit up to four weeks before you actually move in if you are leaving hospital or care home.


Report a change of circumstance