Intellectual property rights

Medway Council provides various data on its websites for information purposes and for personal, non-commercial use only. The use and access to the information is regulated by intellectual property right (copyright) as specified below. No part of these sites may be copied or adapted without written permission from Medway Council.

To report domain misuse, please email with your name and details of the misuse.

Hyperlinking policy

You may place a link from your website to the Medway Council website provided you follow these guidelines:

  • You must not replicate (eg, duplicate, copy or reproduce) content from Medway Council's websites, except where a copyright licence has first been obtained.
  • You must not create a frame or border environment around Medway Council's website content.
  • You must not deep link to any Medway Council website content in such a way that by doing so you pass it off as your website content.
  • You must not imply that Medway Council is endorsing your website, or your products or services.
  • You must not present false information about Medway Council.
  • You must not use any Medway Council's trademarks without prior written consent of the council.
  • You must ensure that your website does not include content which would be construed as distasteful, controversial or offensive.
  • You must ensure that your website does not infringe any intellectual property or other rights of any third parties.

Medway Council expressly reserves the right to request that any link in breach of these guidelines be removed and to take whatever other action it deems appropriate.

Ordnance Survey map and address data

The Ordnance Survey map and address data included within this website are provided by Medway Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to make available council-held, public domain information. Please contact the Ordnance Survey ( for advice about licensing Ordnance Survey map data for your own use.

Ordnance Survey copyright statement: “This map is reproduced from/based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright and/or database right, 2010. All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings 100024225.”

Aerial photographs

Aerial photographs on this website are provided by GeoInformation Group under licence. Please contact GeoInformation group for advice about licensing aerial photographs for your own use.

GeoInformation Group copyright statement: “Cities Revealed® aerial photography copyright The GeoInformation® Group, 2003 and Crown Copyright ©. All rights reserved.”

Medway Council data

Most other data on Medway Council websites are provided by Medway Council and are regulated by a web click licence. Please contact Medway Council for advice about licensing these data for your own use.

Medway Council copyright statement: "©Medway Council 2010."

National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) and Street Gazetteer (NSG)

Access to other national datasets, such as the NLPG, which can be used for address searches, is regulated by a web click licence. Please contact for advice about licensing the land and property gazetteer or street gazetteer for your own use.

NLPG and NSG copyright statement: "Licensed by Local Government Information House. © Crown copyright and/or database right, 2010. All rights reserved. Licence number 100024225."