After your building is registered
Once your building is certified as place for religious worship, you'll receive a certificate of registration showing that it's now a place for religious worship.
It will say:
- who completed the registration
- the register number
- the date of registration.
The document should be kept safe as you'll need to produce this if someone asks to see it.
See guidance for members of the clergy on marriages, baptisms and burials
More about registered buildings
Once your building is registered for the solemnisation of marriages
A certificate of registration is made. This is 1 of the form 78 copies that you completed, which will also include your building's register number.
You'll be asked if you would like to collect your certificate or have it posted to you.
The building will be advertised in a local newspaper and in the London Gazette, and will be included on the list of places of worship registered for marriage.
Appointing an authorised person
Once the building has been registered for the solemnisation of marriage for at least 12 months, the trustees or governing body of the building can choose an authorised person.
This person will be authorised to solemnise marriages in the venue.
If you do not choose an authorised person, a registrar will be needed to solemnise the marriage.
Find out more about authorised persons.
You can complete an authorised persons certificate of appointment form on GOV.UK.
If a registrar is needed for a ceremony
The couple getting married will need to contact Medway Register Office to make arrangements and pay the £104 fee.
Changes after registration
Once the building is registered, the trustees or governing body are responsible for updating the General Register Office with any changes that may affect the registration.