Bus company information
This information can help you make decisions about the next steps in getting your child to school. It covers bus tickets and bus company information.
If your circumstances change, a new application needs to be made so that your entitlement can be reassessed, for example, if you move house or change school.
Find out how to apply for free school transport.
Get more information about passes from the following bus companies:
How it’s issued
A member of the team will contact you to confirm whether you would like to collect the pass or if you would like it to be posted first class.
Replace a stolen pass
If your child’s Arriva bus pass has been stolen, please email schooltransport@medway.gov.uk to discuss getting a replacement pass. You will need to provide a crime reference number.
Replace a lost or damaged pass
If your child has lost or damaged their Arriva bus pass, you can use our online form to get a replacement.
You will need to provide your:
- child’s name
- child’s date of birth
- child’s address
- child’s school
- contact details.
You'll need to pay a £12 administration fee.
Replace a lost or damaged Arriva school bus pass
Change of address or school
If the child has changed address or school since the last Arriva bus pass was issued, then you will need to make a new application for free school transport.
Find out how to make a new free school transport application.
If your circumstances stay the same the pass will be automatically renewed. The previous pass should be used on the first day of term and the new pass can be collected from the school office.
How it’s issued
The pass can be collected by arrangement on the Nu-Venture bus.
Replacement passes can be ordered with the Nu-Venture driver who will collect an administration fee and issue the new pass on the bus once produced.
If your circumstances remain the same the pass will be automatically renewed. The previous pass should be used on the first day of term and the new pass can be collected from the school office.
Phone: 01622 882 288.
Medway Pass
How it’s issued
The bus pass will be issued by our Integrated Transport Service and sent to your home address by first class post.
Replacement passes can be ordered by contacting the Integrated Transport Team, who will arrange an administration fee, collection and posting of the bus pass.
If your circumstances remain the same the pass will be automatically renewed. The previous pass should be used on the first day of term and the new pass can be collected from the school office.
Phone: 01634 334 316.
MY Bus
How it’s issued
Our administration hub will produce your Medway Yellow (MY) bus pass. Once produced, the bus pass will be sent to your home address by first class post.
Replacement passes can be ordered by phoning 01634 333 455. An administration fee will apply.
If your circumstances remain the same the pass will be automatically renewed. At the start of each academic year, the new pass will be sent to your home address before the first day of term.
Phone: 01634 333 455.
For MY Bus service operation issues and concerns phone ASD Coaches on 01634 726 412.
Chalkwell Garage and Coach Hire
How it’s issued
The bus pass will be issued from Chalkwell and sent to your home address.
Replacement passes will also be issued from Chalkwell and sent to your home address. An administration fee will apply.
If your circumstances remain the same the pass will be automatically renewed. At the start of each academic year, the new pass will be sent to your home address before then.
Phone: 01795 423 982.
Farleigh Coaches
How it’s issued
The bus pass will be issued by Farleigh Coaches and sent to your home address.
Replacement passes can be ordered by contacting Farleigh Coaches direct. An administration fee will apply.
If your circumstances remain the same the pass will be automatically renewed. At the start of each academic year, the new pass will be sent to your home address before the first day of term.
Phone: 01634 201 065.
Terms of the bus pass issued
- season bus passes are issued annually and allow travel during term time only, excluding weekends
- all bus passes are subject to the terms and conditions of the issuing company, which are available from them on request. Acceptance of a bus pass is deemed acceptance of these conditions. If the pass is no longer required, it must be returned immediately to: School Admissions and Transport Team, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR. If you do not, you may be liable for the outstanding cost of the bus pass
- if your child misbehaves on a bus or train, their ticket may be withdrawn and it would then be the parent’s responsibility to make alternative arrangements for the child to get to school
- the child named on the ticket is the only person entitled to use it. If your child gives their ticket to another child, or if your child uses another child’s ticket, both could be prosecuted by the bus or rail company. Bus passes can only be used on school days for one return journey each day between the points shown on the ticket and not for any other journey, unless otherwise stated
- there is no entitlement to free school transport after your child has completed Year 11
- if your child receives free school transport in year 6 they will be automatically assessed for free school transport for the school they will be attending in year 7.
More information
For more information on times and route numbers, contact the bus company directly.