A better Medway

About health walks

Medway Health Walks and the new Ramblers Wellbeing Walks in Medway believe that walking is the key to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Almost everyone can do it, no matter your age, income, gender or ability.

It's the easiest and most accessible form of activity that can become part of your everyday life.

All adults are welcome to come and try a group walk by joining our volunteer led walking groups.

We have a number of led walks from 10 minutes up to 90 minutes which are designed to help adults become more active. You only need a pair of shoes and a fitness level appropriate to the walk you are joining.

Each walk has a unique feel, from the distance, the terrain and the environment.

Our walks are not recommended for dog walkers due to some participants needing additional walking assistance.

We have developed a grading system to help you decide on the most appropriate walking group for you.

We also encourage families to explore Medway and the surrounding areas in their own way. Visit the Everyday Active website to see what activities are on offer locally.

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Top 6 reasons to join our walking program

We lead the route

You do not have to rely on finding your way around a route when you have a walk leader doing it for you.

Improve your mental wellbeing

There’ll be people joining the group for the same reasons you are, whether it’s to:

  • get outside more often
  • enjoy their local greenspace and woodland
  • meet new people
  • get fitter.

Evidence shows that regular exercise can reduce the risk of:

  • depression
  • stress
  • anxiety.

Feeling more connected with your community can help promote positive steps to improving your wellbeing.

Improve your social health

The thought of walking for an hour on your own could easily put you off.

With a walking group and engaging with the community, you’re more likely to continue walking as part of a lifestyle change.

Walking can improve your social wellbeing and reducing isolation and loneliness.

Distraction from the pressures of day-to-day life

When you’re with a crowd of people adventuring around a new place, or discussing last week’s TV with your new walking buddy, you can easily cover more ground without even realising you’ve done so.

Encouragement and physical health

The thought of walking on unknown paths can seem challenging if you do not know the terrain.

Our walkers and walk leaders will already have a route planned and can advise you on what to expect on the route.

Imagine the feeling of completing a new hill because someone distracted you with encouragement to keep going.

Once you walked to the top, you'll start to feel the physical health benefits that walking can offer, including: 

  • managing a healthy weight,
  • strengthening muscles
  • reducing the risk of some serious conditions.


One of the reasons some people join walking groups is to combat loneliness. By joining a walking group, you’re likely to find a friend.

Become a walk leader

There are many benefits to becoming a volunteer walk leader within Medway.

Find out more about how to become a walk leader on the Explore Medway website.