A better Medway

Family cookery classes

Cooking with your family is a great way to:

  • spend time together
  • try new ingredients
  • learn useful skills.

To get you started we have a range of free cookery courses you can join in with.

Little Chefs is aimed at families and children aged 2-and-a-half to 4 while Tri Cookery welcomes school aged children.  

Little Chefs

Little Chefs is a fun filled 6 week cookery group for families with children aged 2-and-a-half to 4.

Gain confidence in your cooking skills and learn how to involve your little one in preparing food.

Children will find out where food comes from, how it grows and why we need to eat a variety of foods to stay healthy.

Each week we'll explore themes like 'eat a rainbow' and 'plants give us food' through cookery, craft activities or a story time.

Course dates

Gun Lane Wellbeing Centre (ME2 4UF)

  • When: Tuesday 7 January to Tuesday 11 February
  • Time: 1pm to 3pm.

Deanwood Wellbeing Centre (ME8 9TX)

  • When: Wednesday 8 January to Wednesday 12 February
  • Time: 9.30am to 11.30am. 

Delce Wellbeing Centre (ME5 0QS)

  • When: Thursday 9 January to Thursday 13 February
  • Time: 1pm to 3pm.

Riverside Wellbeing Centre (ME8 8ET)

  • When: Friday 10 January to Friday 14 February
  • Time: 9.30am to 11.30am.

Chatham Children and Family Hub (ME4 5AZ)

  • When: Tuesday 25 February to Tuesday 1 April
  • Time: 1pm to 3pm. 

Please email change4life@medway.gov.uk if you would like to be added to our waiting list.

Tri Cookery

Tri Cookery is a course that helps school children to learn new cookery skills, find out why it’s important to eat a balanced diet and try out some tasty, healthy recipes.

This free 6 week course runs during term time across Medway and is suitable for families with children aged 5 to 17 years.

Session times run from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

Course dates

  • Thursday 27 February to Thursday 3 April, 4.30pm to 6.30pm at Chatham Grammar school Rainham Road, Chatham, ME5 7EH.

To register your interest in joining us at one of our family cookery groups, phone 01634 333 741 or email change4life@medway.gov.uk with your preferred area.

Healthy adult cookery

Join us for 6 weeks of cookery where you will learn how to make healthy and budget friendly recipes that will support a balanced and varied diet.

This course is aimed at adults with basic to intermediate cooking skills who want to improve their knowledge around healthy eating to help them make better and more informed dietary choices.

Sessions normally run in the late afternoon and early evening.

Course dates

  • Tuesday 25 February to Tuesday 1 April, 5pm to 7pm at Rainham School For Girls, Derwent Way, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0BX
  • Wednesday 26 Febuary to Wednesday 2 April, 5pm to 7pm at Brompton Academy, Marlborough Road, Gillingham, ME7 5HT.

Courses run throughout the year. We'll update this page with any new course dates.

To register your interest in joining us at one of our adult cookery groups, phone 01634 333 741 or email change4life@medway.gov.uk.