If you’re aged between 16 and 25 and are looking for information about different services, then you can use these pages to help you find what you’re looking for.
There are several information pathways, and you do not have to follow only one. Click on ‘previous’ at any time to go back one or more steps and look in another direction.
This tool has been designed to help you prepare to live independently.
This is a new service. You can leave feedback about it by clicking 'Leave feedback about this page' at the bottom of this page.
Are you a care leaver?
If you're leaving care, we have more guidance just for you, in addition to the options above.
View our Local Offer for Care Leavers.
SEND Local Offer
Information on services available for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers.
View our SEND Local Offer.
Concerned about the safety of a young person or adult?
If you have concerns about children, young people or adults and think they may need help, you can report it to us online:
Are you over 25?
If you are over 25 these pages could help you: