News published November 2023
Look out for others as winter arrives
A yellow Cold-Health Alert is now in place for the South East, including Kent and Medway, as wintry weather sweeps across the UK.
Shop local for Small Business Saturday
If you are still looking to fill those Christmas stockings and want to make a difference, then please ‘shop local’ this Christmas and support Medway’s businesses.
Stay well this winter
Cold weather can be bad for your health, but there are some simple things we can all do to prepare for severe weather and keep warm and healthy:
Medway supports national campaign to end domestic abuse
We are supporting a national campaign which aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and change how people think about it.
Four Elms Hill – roadworks update
Improvement works to the A228 Four Elms Hill, around the junction of Beacon Hill Lane, are due to take place next week.
Argentinian football legend remembered at Strood Sports Centre
Strood Sports Centre last week welcomed a delegation of Argentinian footballers, who came to honour one of the founding fathers of their sport in their country.
It’s time to have your say on the future of Chatham
Public consultation is underway on the draft of the Chatham Design Code - a set of new guidelines to direct and shape regeneration of the town centre, making it a better place to live, work, learn.
Medway Council supports National Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week
Do you know someone who is the victim of abuse or neglect? The chances are you do, but it is easy for victims to slip through the cracks and go unnoticed amidst the pressures of daily life.
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) is supporting the Ann Craft Trust National Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week
Are you concerned about an adult? Noticing is not nosiness. If you are concerned about an adult, report it.
Council financial position improves for second quarter but still more to do
Medway Council’s financial position has improved in figures announced today and firm action is underway to balance the budget by the end of the financial year.