Change or cancel a booking

You can change or cancel your collection online.

You must change or cancel any booked and paid-for collections by 4pm the weekday before your items are due to be collected. If you do not do this, you will not be refunded. 

Any booked free collections that are not cancelled by 4pm the weekday before your items are due to be collected will be counted as a free collection within the 12-month period.

For example, if your collection is booked for Monday, you'll need to notify us no later than 4pm on the Friday before your collection.

We cannot refund costs for items not presented for collection at the time of visit or if they were disposed of by other means.

Change or cancel a bulky collection

You can also contact us by phone on 01634 333 333.

Our phone line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.