Problems logging into your Medway Council account
You need to register for an account before you can sign in.
If our account system cannot find an account registered to the email address you gave, check if you have misspelled your email address, or if you used a different email address when registering for your account.
Try again, making sure you are using the correct email address, correctly spelled.
If you cannot remember your login email address or password, go to problems signing in and enter the email address you think you used to set up your account.
If it is an email address you used to register for a Medway Council account, you’ll receive an email to that account containing a reset password link.
Check your spam or junk folders. If you’re not getting the emails, it’s because our system cannot find an online account registered to the email address you gave.
If you do not receive any emails, you can re-register for an account.