The example below shows what you can expect from a written pre-application advice report. 

Example of pre-application advice

Section Advice

Ref no: PRE/12/1234

Site address: 1 Best Street, Gillingham, Kent


Our description of your proposal

In this section we'll set out what we think the proposal to be



In this section we'll explain if there are previous planning applications, appeal or enforcement issues


Main considerations

In this section we'll list the main planning considerations that are relevant to your proposal


Summary of advice

In this section we'll summarise the advice and the main planning policies that are relevant to each of considerations


S106 Contributions

In this section we'll list the main s106 requests that are likely to be relevant to your proposal


Screening or scoping

In this section we'll advise whether the submission of a screening and/or scoping opinion is recommended


Information in support of an application

In this section we'll advise on the type of application and list the submission requirements for you application.  We'll also advise whether a planning performance agreement is relevant



In this section we'll advise on whether the proposal would benefit from a presentation to members and/or public engagement.


Case officer: Planning officer's name

Date: 01/04/2020


Find out more about pre-application advice