Milestones for 1 to 3 year olds
Here are the development milestones you should be looking out for if your child is aged between 1 and 3 years old:
- understand words and their meaning like ‘cup’, ‘milk’ and ‘daddy’
- understand frequently used words like 'all gone', 'no' and 'bye-bye'
- understand simple instructions like 'give to nanna' or 'stop'
- recognise and point to objects when asked about them
- focuses on an activity they have chosen themselves and finds it hard when moved away from this activity
- listens when talked to but finds it hard to pay attention when something else is interesting
- feels frustrated when they are not understood
- uses words and actions to let you know how they feel
- learning to have conversations but jumps from topic to topic
- likes to pretend play like 'putting the baby to bed'
- likes to listen to simple stories and can understand what is happening with the help of pictures
- uses the sounds ‘p’, ‘b’ and ‘m’
- pronounces ‘l’, ‘r’, ‘w’, ‘y’, ‘f’, ‘th’, ‘s’, ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘dz’ and ‘j’
- pronounces words with more than one syllable like ‘banana’ and ‘computer’.
Older children will be able to understand longer sentences like ‘find your coat’.
Personal, social and emotional
- beginning to understand how to wait their turn
- learning how to control their feelings when they want something
- learning how to talk about and manage their feelings
- some make-believe play like tea party and offering others food
- interested in other people, asking questions about differences in hair colour, age and gender
- observes others playing around them but does not join in
- plays alongside other children but not together.
Older children will be:
- demonstrating symbolic play like using a box as a boat
- starting to use more words to explain their feelings like 'I'm sad because...' or 'I love it when...'.
- wants to eat independently.
Older children will be:
- learning how to use a knife and fork
- beginning to show you that they are ready to use the potty.
- claps and stamps to music
- explores and moves around in spaces they can fit into such as large boxes, dens and tunnels
- learning how to kick, throw and catch balls
- learning to walk by themselves.
Older children will be:
- finding different ways to support themselves
- walking, running, jumping and climbing
- learning to use the stairs independently
- able to spin and roll
- able to use ropes independently, like tyre swings
- able to sit on a push-along wheeled toy
- able to use a scooter or ride a tricycle.
For support to help your child reach these milestones, see our support for your child's development page.