A better Medway

Support for your child's development

We have a range of support available to help you with your child's development.

Development review

Every child in the UK is invited to a development review around the age of 2 and half years old. They are a chance to meet someone from the health visiting team and check if your child is developing as expected.

The check does not take long and will not hurt or distress your child. During the review the health visitor will ask you about your child's general development such as how they see, speak, hear and move.

You will also get advice on dental care, safety, and how to manage behaviour and help your child to sleep well.

If there are any problems, your health visitor will be able to advise on further steps and possible treatment.

The health visiting team can also help you prepare your child for starting school. You need to complete a school readiness questionnaire when you apply for your infant school place. If your child needs support, the team will get in touch. The questionnaire is confidential and what you say in it is not shared with schools.

Medway Community Healthcare (MCH)

MCH’s health visitors offer support and advice to families from pre-birth until children enter school full time.

They can give you advice and guidance if you have any concerns about:

  • potty training
  • oral health
  • physical development
  • speech and language
  • eating and diet.

For more information visit the Medway Community Healthcare website or call 0300 123 3444.

Children’s services

Find information on all children’s services in Medway on our children and families page.


If you have a child aged 2 to 4 years you may be able to get a free childcare place for up to 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.

All children aged 3 to 4 can get 15 hours of free early education and childcare. Many working families will also be eligible to apply for 30 hours of free early education and childcare.

Find out more about 15 and 30 hours free childcare for children aged 2 to 4.

For more information on what childcare there is available in Medway visit our choosing childcare pages.