Climate change progress reports
Climate change progress reports are provided yearly. They can be downloaded below:
- 2023 to 2024 progress report
- 2022 to 2023 progress report
- 2021 to 2022 progress report
- 2021 to 2022 progress infographic.
Community Climate Working Group
The Community Climate Working Group was established in 2023 and set up by our Climate Response Team.
The group includes representatives from around Medway, including the NHS, Brompton Barracks, Medway's Eco Hubs, Medway Voluntary Action, faith communities and more.
Reaching net-zero carbon by 2050 is a key council priority and it's hoped the group can support key messages and initiatives on carbon reduction, directly influence and shape the council's work on climate issues.
Members have a passion for supporting the climate change agenda, and work to share eco-friendly practices in their own field with the group. The group aims to develop a shared project, and is exploring the idea of a community energy project to see how they can produce green energy locally.
Climate Change Members Working Party
This group includes cross party members who are implementing Action Ward Improvement Plans in their wards. The plans are a framework for member led activity to achieve positive climate outcomes.