Medway Council scores highly for its social housing landlord service
Medway Council has scored the second highest grade following a government inspection of its social housing landlord service.
Medway Council receives RSPCA award for the eleventh year running
Our excellent work with stray dogs has been recognised by the RSPCA for the eleventh year running.
Consultation begins on Medway’s Local Plan
Now is the chance to have your say on the Local Plan - a document that will help shape Medway for the next 15 years and beyond.
Speak to our housing team this summer
Each month, our housing service carries out the Big Door Knock – an opportunity to engage directly with its tenants and leaseholders.
Local Plan: Letter to Secretary of State
We have formally responded to Michael Gove with our revised Local Development Scheme.
Medway backs Home Upgrade Grant to improve energy efficiency and cut heating bills
Medway residents are being given a chance to save money on energy bills and reduce carbon emissions under a new scheme.
Plans announced to tackle rising costs of temporary accommodation
We have announced a suite of plans to help tackle the rising costs of temporary accommodation.
Moat and Medway Council partner to provide 27 new affordable social homes in Rainham
Housing association, Moat, has launched 27 new three-bedroom houses for social rent in Rainham, all of which will soon be occupied.
Domestic abuse initiative to prevent survivors from becoming homeless is getting results, reports Kent Housing Group
A reciprocal scheme for social landlords to support households fleeing domestic abuse in Kent and Medway is gathering real momentum, says the Kent Housing Group.
Statement on Anchorage House, Chatham
Medway Council is aware of reports that Anchorage House, an office block in Chatham, may be used for temporary accommodation by a local authority in London.
Medway awarded nearly £4million of government funding to transform brownfield land
We have been awarded almost £4million government funding to unlock unused land to create new homes.
Continuing to support Medway’s Armed Forces community
We are continuing to show our support to the Armed Forces community by supporting the Royal British Legion’s Credit their Service campaign.
Quality of private housing in Medway
We are exploring the possibility of introducing measures to ensure private rented properties across Medway are up to a high standard.
Statement on £170m HIF programme
We are deeply disappointed at government decision to pull £170m support
Medway Council calls for Homes England’s continued support
Medway Council is calling on Homes England and DLUHC to continue to back the £170m Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) programme to deliver new infrastructure on the Hoo Peninsula.
Building new homes for Medway residents
Residents have settled in at brand-new homes as part of a £6million housing development programme in Twydall.
Medway invests £2million to improve energy ratings in council houses
We have received more than £1million government funding to improve energy efficiency ratings in council houses and save residents money on their bills.