Local Aggregates Assessment
Medway plays a strategic role in regional aggregates supply, notably through the wharves located on the Medway and the Thames. As a mineral planning authority, we are planning positively for the steady and adequate supply of aggregate through the emerging Local Plan to meet the needs of the local and regional markets.
We produce an annual Local Aggregate Assessment, in line with the requirements set out in national planning policy and guidance. The Local Aggregates Assessment is reviewed before publication by other mineral planning authorities, industry representatives and stakeholders in the South East England Aggregates Working Party (SEEAWP).
We have considered a range of information sources in compiling to understand the demand for aggregates and the supply options available. The annual aggregate monitoring survey is an important source of information. However, due to the limited number of operators in Medway, some information cannot be published due to commercial confidentiality.
We have produced a Local Aggregates Assessment every year since 2013. Local Aggregates Assessments are published a year in arrears to the Authority Monitoring Report due to the figures not being released until much later. For example, the Local Aggregates Assessment 2012 was published in 2013, and the Local Aggregates Assessment 2013 was published in 2014.
You can view our Local Aggregates Assessments from the list below which have been published as part of the Authority Monitoring Report since 2012.
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2023
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2022
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2021
- Local Aggregates
Assessment 2020 - Local Aggregates Assessment 2019
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2018
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2017
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2016
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2015 (page 51 of Volume 1)
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2014 (page 48 of Volume 1)
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2013
- Local Aggregates Assessment 2012.