We offer services that have fees and charges attached. All fees include VAT where applicable.
The fees and charges are payable from 1 April 2024.
Photocopying and document copies
- Photocopying (per page): 10p
- Plan copying (A0 per plan): £22
- Plan copying (A1 per plan): £11.50
- Plan copying (A2 per plan): £5.80
- Plan copying (A3 per plan): £2.65
- Plan copying (A4 per plan): £1.20
- Decision Notices including Enforcement and Appeal Notices (per page plus postage and packing): 10p
- Section 106 Agreements (per page plus postage and packing): 10p
- Research for private property sale/purchases (up to one hour): £56
- Research for private property sale/purchases (per hour thereafter): £56
- Search of adjoining land/property up to 200m (plus research fee as above): £72.
Administration application charges
An administration charge is applied for invalid planning applications and pre-applications if they are not made valid.
These charges are:
- £63 for Householder, Minor and Other applications with no planning officer input
- £126 for Major Applications and applications where officer input required.
Administration charge SAMMs
An administration charge is applied for applications where a Unilateral Undertaking (SAMMs) payment is charged, but a case is dismissed at appeal.
The administration charge is £100.
Planning application costs
You'll also need to pay planning application costs.
These application costs:
- are set by the government and apply across the country
- are set out in our planning fees and charges guide
- can be worked out easily using the Planning Portal's fee calculator.