Terms and conditions
Single car park season ticket
A single car park season ticket allows you to park in a single car park in Medway. The permit cannot be used to park in any other car park. These permits are valid for one year.
Any car park season tickets
Any car park season tickets allow you to park in Medway’s long stay car parks and long stay on street pay and display areas.
These permits are valid for 3 or 12 months.
Commuter season tickets
Commuter season tickets are valid in most Medway pay and display long stay car parks and all long stay on street pay and display areas.
Different charges apply to Medway and non-Medway residents.
Shopper season tickets
Shopper season tickets are valid in most Medway pay and display long stay car parks and all long stay on street pay and display areas.
The permit is also valid in the following car parks Monday to Friday only:
- Longley Road car park
- Cricketers car park
- Balmoral Gardens car park.
You cannot use season tickets to park in any short stay car park or short stay on street pay and display area.
Rochester multi storey car park season ticket
The Rochester multi-storey car park season ticket allows you to park in the Rochester multi-storey car park and all long stay pay and display car parks and on street areas.
These permits are valid for 3 or 12 months.
Qualifying criteria
To qualify for a season ticket, you must complete an application form and provide full payment.
You must tell us the truth on your application.
You must follow all other car parking regulations on the information boards in Medway’s car parks.
How to apply
Find out how to apply for a season ticket.
We'll issue the permit subject to the provisions and conditions of our Consolidated Orders 2016.
The permit is not transferable, and you must return it to us if the:
- holder no longer owns or drives the vehicle we issued the permit for
- permit becomes illegible, mutilated or defaced.
The permit does not guarantee a parking space or give special parking rights.
The permit is only valid if displayed clearly on the front windscreen of the registered vehicle.
The vehicle the permit is registered for must be roadworthy.
You must follow all other car parking regulations on the information boards displayed in Medway’s car parks.
We will issue a penalty charge notice if a permit is not clearly displayed or we cannot confirm it’s valid.
Permit renewals
You can renew a season ticket one month before it's due to expire.
You can renew:
- online
- by post
- by email.
Find out how to renew your season ticket.
Stolen and lost permits
Find out how to get a replacement permit if it is lost or stolen.
Find out how to get a refund for your season ticket.
Change of details
We can change the car details on a permit. To do this, you must:
- return the old permit to us
- give us proof of vehicle ownership and employment details.
We will cancel your permit if:
- the information provided at the time of application is proved to be false
- the permit is being misused.
If any vehicle is seen to be displaying a cancelled permit, a civil enforcement officer will issue a penalty charge notice (parking fine), as the permit will be deemed invalid.
You must return your permit if asked to do so by a council officer or authorised agent.
False information
If it's proved that you have given false information, you may be prosecuted and could face a fine of up to £2,500.
If it's proved that you have faked a parking permit, you could face a maximum fine of £5,000 in a magistrates’ court or an unlimited fine and 2 years imprisonment in the Crown Court.
How we use your personal information
GDPR law is designed to ensure you have a better understanding of:
- what data we process
- how we got your data
- what we do with your data
- who we share your data with
- your rights regarding your data.
Read our privacy notice.
Sharing your information
The information you give as part of this application may be shared with other agencies and organisations such as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This is to satisfy the council that you are eligible for a permit or to detect fraud.
We take fraud and the misuse of a parking permit seriously and may carry out checks on the information you give us.
You must return the permit if we or our authorised agents ask you to do so.