Local Plan evidence base

We're preparing a new Local Plan, which will replace the 2003 Medway Local Plan.

This document will include:

  • strategic policies including minerals and waste
  • topic based and development management policies
  • a policies map showing designations including development locations.

The plan will cover the period up to 2041, considering the number of homes, jobs and supporting infrastructure. This includes infrastructure such as transport, health facilities, schools and parks that the area and its growing population needs over this time. 

View all documents relating to the Local Plan.

You can request these documents in an accessible format.

Areas and informing the new Local Plan

To inform the new Local Plan policies, a range of evidence has been compiled drawing from a variety of information sources. The sources have been grouped and linked into the following themes:

  • housing
  • employment
  • infrastructure
  • retail and centres
  • transport
  • built environment
  • health and community
  • natural environment and green belt
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
  • minerals, waste and energy
  • waste needs assessment.

Medway 2035 regeneration strategy

Download our Medway 2035 regeneration strategy.