Climate change

We declared a climate emergency in 2019.

By 2050, we are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions across:

  • our estate
  • our operations
  • the Medway area.

This fits into the Council Plan priority of making Medway a place to be proud of.

We want to help build a clean and green environment. 

A Climate Change action plan has been developed, informed by the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy, to make sure Medway is on a pathway to achieve its net zero carbon ambitions. 

The action plan is shaped by 11 priority areas.

Priority 6 is around transport, travel and digital connectivity. 

Digital connectivity has a vital role to play in reducing emissions from travel.

Technologies can also help us manage energy usage better and optimise our environments.

Specific business change projects have been created to use technology to reduce the amount of printing and paper we use.