Medway's emergency plan
Medway Council supports the emergency services in the event of a major incident through close working partnerships.
All councils are required to have emergency plans by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which also places a large number of other requirements on them. The council is affected by other legislation that requires it to carry out an emergency planning role, such as the Housing Act 1996.
Find more information and guidance on emergency planning on GOV.UK.
What we plan for
As part of the Kent Resilience Forum, we helped to create the Kent Community Risk Register. This register determines the greatest risk to the whole of Kent and is the focus for the forum's activities aimed at reducing risks.
We also plan for other threats to the community. Under the Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations (COMAH) 2015, we're required to produce an off-site emergency plan and to co-ordinate the response for an emergency that could affect the community beyond the boundaries of a particular site.
Our severe weather guidance will help to keep you moving on Medway's roads, and safe and warm during the winter months.
How we respond to emergencies
We respond in a number of different ways, depending on the nature of the incident. For example:
- rest centres to provide temporary accommodation for people evacuated from a specific area or for people in transit. These centres often require help from voluntary agencies and contractors who can provide food, clothing and counselling to support those affected by the incident
- alternative accommodation for those evacuated for prolonged periods of time
- survivor reception centres
- humanitarian assistance centres
- additional plant and equipment
- advice and guidance
- monitoring the situation
- advice on dangerous structures
- a control centre to co-ordinate the response.
Prepare for an emergency
Read the Coping with crisis booklet from the Kent Resilience Forum.
You can also visit UK Power Network's website for advice on disruption caused by power cuts.