Deliveries to residential homes and sheltered housing
We offer free delivery of library stock to:
- day centres
- residential homes
- hospitals
- sheltered housing
- nursing homes
- hospices.
All items are delivered when required and can be tailored to suit the needs of the residents.
They can include reminiscence material to help stimulate memories through sensory input.
You can request large print books such as:
- family sagas
- crime
- romance
- adventure
- biographies
- travel and much more.
We also have a full range of:
- standard print books in fiction and non-fiction
- audio books
- music CDs
- DVDs
- community languages (contact us for more information)
- memory boxes
- pictures to share (books for people with dementia).
For more information:
- email:
- phone: 01634 337 799.