Appeal a parking PCN

You can view evidence of why we issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) once you’ve entered your PCN number and vehicle registration into our appeal a Penalty Charge Notice form.

For more information on your rights to appeal, read our parking enforcement policy.

You can appeal a PCN for any of the following reasons.

The contravention did not occur

You can appeal a parking PCN if you believe a contravention did not occur. You will need to provide evidence of this.

This includes if you:

  • parked where you did as you thought the parking restrictions did not apply to you
  • had a valid permit or another good reason to park there
  • think the council did not follow the enforcement laws or correct procedures, for example if the note to owner was given out of time.

You do not own the vehicle

You'll need to provide evidence of this. This includes if:

  • you never owned the vehicle
  • you no longer owned the vehicle when the contravention happened (you'll need to provide evidence, for example, a notice from the DVLA confirming this or insurance documents showing when the policy was cancelled)
  • you became the owner of the vehicle after the date of the contravention (you'll need to provide evidence, for example, the V5C registration form or insurance documents showing when the policy was cancelled)
  • the vehicle has been stolen or used without your consent (you'll need to provide evidence including a crime reference number of insurance claim).

The order is not accurate

This includes if the:

  • amount owed on the PCN is the wrong amount
  • contravention you are accused of is not correct.

You're a hire firm

You can also appeal if you're a hire firm and can give us the name and address of the hirer. This only applies to companies where the hirer has signed an agreement accepting liability for penalty charges. You'll need to provide this as evidence.   

Other reasons to appeal

If none of the reasons listed apply, we'll consider convincing circumstances on a case-by-case basis. 

Appeal a Penalty Charge Notice

If you do not have an email address, submit your appeal in writing to:

Medway Council Parking Service 
Gun Wharf
ME4 4TR.