Arrangements for assistants
An individual passenger assistant will only be provided if a child has a severe medical condition or behavioural need that requires support during transportation.
Any request for an individual passenger assistant must be supported with detailed evidence that shows the risk to the child or others. The evidence provided must include a risk assessment compiled by the council in partnership with the school or education setting and medical professionals. In the case of behavioural needs, it should include details of strategies that could be used to support the young person.
The requirement for a passenger assistant will be reviewed every 6 months.
Passenger assistant duties include:
- supervising children during travel
- helping children board and leave the vehicle
- delivering any notes, medication or money between home and school.
It is the parent or carer’s duty to supervise the child from the house to the vehicle as passenger assistants cannot leave the other children unattended in the vehicle.
The school staff are required to:
- collect the child from the vehicle and into school
- supervise pupils onto the vehicle at the end of the day.
Pupils with serious or life-threatening conditions
If a pupil has a serious or life-threatening condition or has extremely challenging behaviour, we encourage parents or carers to act as the passenger assistant. If this is not possible, we will make reasonable efforts to find an appropriately qualified passenger assistant but this cannot be guaranteed.
Training for drivers and passenger assistants
All drivers and passenger assistants will have training appropriate to the needs of the child or young person they are supporting. They will also carry an identity card which is renewed every 3 years and have up to date DBS checks.