Newly qualified

If you have recently graduated with a degree or masters in Social Work, our ASYE programme delivered by our award winning Social Work Academy could be for you. The ASYE programme provides a structured framework of support and supervision.

The focus is on developing you as a practitioner so you feel confident in your work with families and able to meet the required level of professional competency outlined in the Knowledge and skills Statements and Professional Capabilities Framework.

Our aims

Embedding confidence

To help NQSWs to embed and consolidate their skills, competence and confidence as a social worker in a systematic manner during their first year of employment or longer if employed part-time.

Improving job satisfaction

Improve NQSW job satisfaction and their enthusiasm to continue to work as a social worker.

Providing a bridge

To improve the quality of social work practice by ensuring the first year of employment provides an effective bridge and the transition from being a student to being a competent and capable professional.

Our offer

We offer:

  • a 2 week induction to the ASYE programme
  • a protected case load during your post-qualifying year
  • reflective group and individual supervision which recognises the importance of self development
  • introduction to systemic thinking ideas and how they can be applied to social work
  • protected individual and facilitated development time and the opportunity to undertake a project of interest
  • high levels of support from a team based assessor and advanced practitioner from the Quality Assurance Team. There will be a phased approach to the volume and complexity of your workload to enable you to develop the skills, experience and confidence to join our existing workforce
  • developmental support and assessment leading to final assessment using the Knowledge and Skills Statements along with capability statements as set out in the PCF.


We take one cohort each year which starts in September. If you would like to be notified when the application opens, please join our talent pool.

Join the talent pool