Things to remember about your pathway plan

You should remember the following points about your pathway plan.
- Your pathway plan should be reviewed every 6 months, but you can ask for it to be reviewed at any time.
- If there are any major changes in your life your pathway plan should be reviewed, and you should be given a signed copy of the new plan.
- Decisions made in all the domains in the local offer should be included within your pathway plan.
- If you disagree with your personal adviser or social worker this should be noted to make sure everyone’s point of view is clear.
Other people
Other people can be asked about your plan when you are under 18, such as:
- your family
- foster carer
- teachers
- health services
- independent reviewing officer (IRO)
- advocates - but not without you knowing.
If you do not want certain people to be involved after you turn 18 you should tell your social worker or personal adviser.
Living independently
The last year of your pathway plan should focus on support you can get while living independently. This should include who is there to help you, what they can do and how you can get in touch.
Your pathway plan should be evidencing your independent living skills and highlighting the help needed to support you to move on to adulthood.
Support from the age of 21
You can choose to end involvement with the service at 21, or it can continue for a bit longer if there's specific support you need until you are 25.
Support from your personal adviser
If you are unsure about anything in the local offer please speak to your personal adviser. If they are unable to answer your question they will speak to a colleague or manager and come back to you with a response.