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Every young person between 16 and 25 years of age that is in care, or is a care leaver, has a pathway plan.

Your social worker will start your pathway plan when you turn 16. They will review this with your care plan twice a year.

When you turn 18 your personal adviser will manage this for you. They will be responsible for making sure it's up to date and includes your current needs. They need to make sure it helps you move into adulthood and independent living.

What's included in your pathway plan

Your pathway plan must include:

  • how you want to keep in touch with your personal adviser
  • how often you want to meet your personal adviser.

It needs to be clear about your goals and should include the following:

  • what actions to take to achieve them
  • who will take the actions
  • when they will take the actions.

Needs assessment

This is to find out what support you may need. Your pathway plan is to make sure your needs are met and that you can move onto independence successfully.

Your personal adviser should write the pathway plan with you and the other important people in your life.

It will include:

  • your needs
  • your views
  • your future goals
  • the support you'll get from us and other professionals, agencies and support networks in your life.

In Medway, our pathway plan is also the assessment of needs. This means every time we review your pathway plan we carry out a new assessment of needs.

Between the ages of 16 and 20, it will include your:

  • education and employment
  • finances
  • social needs
  • health
  • identity and relationships
  • housing
  • evidence of your independent living skills.

If you request advice and support between the ages of 21 and 25 it will concentrate on the areas you feel you need support with.

Your views

Your pathway plan should meet your individual needs and capture your hopes for the future.

It will also include your views and key messages. You're encouraged to lead your review as much as possible - it is your pathway plan. 

Your pathway plan will be regularly reviewed with you at least every 6 months. The reviews will give you a chance to make sure your goals and milestones are still correct and you are meeting them.

Moving Forwards service

The Moving Forwards service supports young people leaving care (aged 18 to 25), and those aged 16 or 17 who are at the transition stage, including former unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Find out more about the Moving Forwards service.