We want you to be healthy and safe. This includes your physical, emotional and sexual health.
Your personal advisor can support you with the following:
- information on healthy living
- information on getting help to pay for prescriptions
- registering with a doctor (GP) and dentist
- transitioning from children and adult mental health services (CAMHS) to adult services
- getting other mental health support in your area, if you cannot get a service from adult services
- information about counselling services that are available locally
- information about health drop-in centres, sexual health clinics, or other testing and screening facilities.
You can speak to your personal advisor about how you're feeling or anything you need help with.
Staying safe
As an adult, you can take responsibility for your choices and safety, but your safety is also our responsibility as your corporate parent.
We want you to be safe and to make sure you have somewhere suitable to live. If things go wrong, we'll work with you to sort out the problem and help you be safe.
If you go missing and we have concerns for your wellbeing, we'll report you as missing to the police.
If we believe that you are being exploited, or ‘used’ by others, we'll hold a meeting inviting relevant professionals to help make a plan to support you to stay safe.
You can make choices, but not all choices are safe. Our job is to help you with your options and decisions.
We'll carry out risk assessments and hold meetings to make sure you stay safe.
Sexual health
We can help you stay safe and give you advice on issues such as safe sex and consent. You should not feel embarrassed talking to your personal advisor about sexual health. Talking about it can help you get the resources and education you need to stay safe and healthy.
If you get pregnant, we’re here to support you with your next decisions. If you go forward with the pregnancy, a social worker may complete a pre-birth assessment after 16 weeks to see if you need any extra help, including financial support. If you do not want to go forward with the pregnancy, there are clinics you can access in Medway.
NHS Clover Street is the main Medway sexual health clinic where you can get advice on contraception, get tested for STIs, or get free condoms.
View more sexual health support
You can get advice about your sexuality or gender identity, or learn more about the LGBTQ+ community from the Medway Gender and Sexual Identity Centre.
Keeping fit
If you would like help to start leisure, sport or fitness activities speak to your personal advisor. They can help you see what is available in your local area for free.
View youth activities, clubs and sports
GPs, dentists and opticians
You’ll need to register with a GP (doctor) closest to you so you can get regular check-ups.
Drug and alcohol support
You can get support with substance, alcohol or drug misuse from Open Road in Gillingham.
View more drug and alcohol support
Emotional wellbeing
Your emotional wellbeing can affect other parts of your life. If you’re worried you can talk through your concerns with your personal advisor. They can help you to get you the support you need.
Medway Young Persons Wellbeing Service is for people aged 0 to 19 years, or up to 25 with special educational needs. You can get advice from them or use their online self-help resources.
To find out more phone: 0300 300 1981
Get more support with your mental health
View more mental health services
Talking about your relationships openly with your personal advisor will help us know how much support you need to help you find and maintain healthy relationships.
Get advice about healthy relationships from Relate
Disability support
If you have a disability, your personal advisor will try to learn about your disability to find you the best support.
View our Local Offer for those with disabilities
Nursing support
The Looked After Children’s Nursing Team will support you until you turn 19.
A nurse will take part in your pathway planning meetings. They will also support you with your health needs and advise you on where to go for local services.
The team offer a 9am to 5pm weekday service.
Phone 01634 333 634 or email lacadmin@medway.gov.uk or lac.health@medway.gov.uk.
More support
A Better Medway - health and wellbeing services in Medway
Mind of My Own - say what you want, when you want