CPZs are areas where on-street parking is controlled during specified times. They are the most effective way of managing parking and are commonly used in busy areas across the UK.

Benefits of controlled parking include:

  • it's easier for residents to park near their homes
  • improved safety, with better visibility at junctions
  • easier access for emergency services, delivery and removal vans
  • reduced traffic and pollution by discouraging vehicles from driving through town centres.

CPZ interactive map

To use the map go to 'address search' at the top of the map page and type in the post code or road name. 

The map will then show you:

  • if you're in a CPZ area
  • what zone the address is in. 

Find CPZ areas in Medway

Types of controlled parking

Permit holders only bays

If the parking bay is marked as 'Permit Holders Only', a permit or voucher must be displayed during the bays operational hours.

Permits will only be made available to residents and businesses within the boundary.

Shared use bays

A shared use bay is a bay that has more than one restriction. This could be a permit holder or pay and display bay, or a permit holder or limited wait bay. These bays allow vehicles to park without a permit for either a certain period of time or with a pay and display ticket.

Disabled parking bays

A valid disabled badge, known as a Blue Badge, must be displayed when you park in a disabled bay. You do not also need to display a parking permit when you park in a disabled bay.

If you have a Blue Badge and you park in a permit bay you’ll need to display your Blue Badge.

Yellow lines

Yellow lines show where vehicles must not park.

Single yellow lines operate only during the controlled hours of a zone unless signs indicate otherwise.

Double yellow lines are there for safety and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Permit costs

Permit fees cover the costs of installation, maintenance, enforcement, and any reviews of the zone.

There are lots of differnt permit types, find out more about permit costs and how to apply for all types of parking permits.

Commercial vehicles and controlled parking

Commercial vehicle drivers can buy parking permits to park in CPZs. CPZs do not restrict commercial vehicles from parking.

Motorcycles and controlled parking

If your vehicle is not fitted with a front windscreen (for example, a motorcycle) a permit must still be displayed if you need to park in a CPZ.

Motorcycles can display an additional tax disc holder, which would allow for the permit to be displayed safely, visibly and securely.

How we enforce controlled parking

Uniformed civil enforcement officers patrol CPZs and issue penalty charge notices (PCNs) to illegally parked vehicles. These can be random patrols, or you can report illegally parked vehicles to us.

Penalty charge notice costs

The charge depends on the severity of the violation:

  • higher level PCNs cost £70, reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days
  • lower level PCNs cost £50, reduced to £25 if paid within 14 days.

Fines must be paid within 28 days.

Traffic regulation orders and new CPZs

When a new CPZ is created, a legal document, known as a traffic regulation order (TRO), is prepared for the new zone. This creates a set of local traffic regulations which only allow permit holders to park there during the opera­tional times.

The TRO legally allows the parking permit area to be enforced so that any vehicles parked illegally are liable to receive a parking ticket.