Managing finances and household bills can be challenging, and unexpected costs can increase that burden. The cost of living crisis is affecting us all due to rising fuel, energy and food costs, but help is available.
This page provides advice and support available to help Medway residents. This includes Council Tax reductions, debt advice, help with childcare costs and food and energy bills.
The plan outlines 4 objectives in tackling the cost of living crisis.Read the progress we've made with our Cost of Living Response Plan
Financial help
Energy, water and other utilities
Financial support is available to vulnerable households and older residents struggling to meet the rising cost of living. You can now access the fund to help you with essential household costs. The scheme has been set up to support low income and vulnerable households. We’re here to help residents across Medway who are struggling financially.Apply for a Household Support Fund grant
Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4) scheme
Debt and financial welfare support
Food support
Help with travel
Mental health and wellbeing
The HAF programme is available to all children in Medway and free for children who receive free school meals. Free vape starter kits are now available as part of the support offered by the Medway Stop Smoking Service.Holiday, Activity and Food Programme (HAF)
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