How to request a CON29 search
An application for a local authority CON29 search may be submitted by email using the official form. This form can be found at Oyez Forms. You can also download and submit a CON29 form.
Component data request of CON29
To make a request for component data of the CON29, download and submit the Local Land Charges Information request form.
You can also submit online using the National Land Information Service (NLIS). Please note both the licensed channel provider and the hub will charge additional fees.
Email searches
You are now able to send and receive your searches via email by sending the easy search form by email to
Search results will be returned via email as PDF documents.
Updated search facility
This service is free for a period of 3 months from the date of certificate.
When an updated request is submitted, the original Medway Council Official Con29 search number and date must be
We'll then carry out a fresh search for you and provide you with all relevant replies to the Con29.